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Hot Water 3

Power Savers

Power Saver Segments

Listen to some of our past Power Savers segments from radio 7AD and 7BU


The Times They Are A Changin’

It has to be said the world has been slowly drifting towards procuring its energy from renewable sources. Though in the...


Queensland’s Massive Power Outage

Today I thought we would talk about the massive power outage that occurred in Queensland last week.

The Callide...


Agfest 2021 Round Up

Well that’s another Agfest done and dusted for the DMS Energy crew.

It was 4 days instead of 3 but with less...


Evacuated Tube Solar Hot Water & How it Works?

Today we are going to talk about evacuated tubes and how they work.

In recent years we have seen the popularity of...

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The Flexibility of Renewable Energy

First, let’s talk about the big stuff; solar farms, wind farms and just the fact Australia and Tasmania is abundant...

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AEMC and Proposed Solar Tax

Here a couple of weeks ago, the AEMC (or the Australian Energy Market Commission) released a paper proposing putting a...

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Dodgy door knockers are back (again)

The dodgy door knockers are back and wow, have we been busy getting unsuspecting clients out of some terrible deals. We...


DMS Energy Wrap Up for 2020

Another year done and dusted for us as we close down for our annual Xmas break tomorrow. Looking back at the last 12...


Tasmania Declares Itself Powered by 100% Renewable Energy

Guy Barnett announced that we are now officially 100% powered on renewable energy. It’s been a long journey that...


‘Voltage Rise’ and what it means.

Voltage Rise and What Does It Mean?

I thought today we would talk about voltage rise and voltage drop. This is the...


Let’s Talk Energy

Energy how is it measured, how does it relate to the things we use every day.

DMS Energy as our name indicates...